Jonathan Wolff


“If that’s Normalization – I’ll Pass!”

How Children Perceive Their Teachers and How This Effects Their Learning

Montessorians employ the term “normalization” to describe a state of optimal development. But what do children see, hear, and feel as they experience the persona of their teachers? Do they observe a passionate, life long learner, an individual with the character and capacity to laugh, express empathy, and apologize? What do they observe about our relationships with other adult teaching partners, fellow staff, parents, and administrators? It’s of course rhetorical to ask, “Does what a child observes in the thinking and behavior of their teachers have an effect on the process and pace of their normalization? We all know the right answer. Yet how much do we really think about the impact of our presence and personalities on the children we serve? More importantly, how committed are we too self improvement – to the process of our own normalization?

Session – Teachers of all program levels


P.E.A.C.E – Personal Energy Awareness and Coordination Exercises

The Next Iteration of Practical Life, for Today’s Over Stimulated Children

Do you observe children in your classroom and school who don’t know how to calm themselves down and refocus on the task at hand? Do you see students having trouble managing their emotions in an effective and respectful manner? Is there a tendency for teachers in your school to “sheepdog” children back to work when they become dis-focused or distracted? The next (and generally needed) extension of the Exercises of Practical Life is to help children become aware of and manage their personal energies – physical, emotional, and neurological.

Session – Suitable for teachers of all program levels


To see a World In a Grain of Sand…

Presenting Character Education Through Experiences of the Natural World

There is nothing more powerful than a story to teach children about the universal qualities of character, such as honesty, compassion, forgiveness, courage, and tolerance. And of all the available prepared environments and materials for this kind of learning, the world of nature offers the most enticing and engaging platform for such experiences. In this hands-on session participants will have an opportunity to create character education exercises, via nature based objects lessons, that can be a powerful addition to the prepared environment.

Session – Suitable teachers of all program levels


The Humility and Accountability of Great Leaders – Keynote (Saturday 12:30pm – 1:30pm)

Holding Oneself and Others to High Levels of Self-Improvement and Work Performance

Effective leaders exhibit a willingness to learn and grow – spiritually and professionally. They ask those they lead to give them honest feedback about their impact on others and their decision-making. They listen with an open mind and are willing to consider and test other points of view. At the same time, they hold everyone and their organization community to equally high levels of growth and performance. In this keynote address, Jonathan Wolff will discuss how school leaders can strike the delicate and desirable balance between humility and accountability