Tajali Tolan
Ms.Tajali Tolan, our Peace and Mindfulness Educator, will be expanding her work with all of Children’s House as well as Elementary this year. This will support our understanding that social emotional and mental wellness is an essential human need. Through current research, (Dr. Richard Davidson, Investigating Healthy Minds, University Wisconsin, Madison and Dr. Becky Bailey, Conscious Discipline) we know that a child’s ability to self regulate, experience connection and community, conflict resolution and pro social behaviors are essential to health and wellness at home and at school.
Ms. Tajali has a Masters in Educational Psychology, Marriage and Family therapy, a Bachelors in Human Ecology Child and Family Studies, and certification as a Mindfulness Educator, Peace Educator, Yoga instructor with experience in practicing yoga therapy with children. Ms. Tajali may also be available to meet with your family or your child individually as a coach.